Membership FAQ
What is the Country Woman’s Club of Campbell?
The Country Woman’s Club of Campbell is a nonprofit, nondenominational service organization under Section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue code.
What is the National Structure we are affiliated with?
The Club is affiliated with the California Federation of Women’s Clubs and the General Federation of Women’s Clubs, Intl. GFWC, the oldest volunteer women’s organization in the world, celebrated its centennial in 1990. The motto is “Unity in Diversity.”
Working locally through thousands of clubs in the United States and globally in more than 10 countries, GFWC members support the arts, preserve natural resources, promote education, encourage healthy lifestyles, stress civic involvement and work toward world peace and understanding.
The Club participates in Federation programs, such as Battered Women, Veterans and Youth Leadership.
Clubs shape their local agendas to suit particular community needs. Each local Club benefits from membership, service, material and program support from state and national levels. The Club submits a written annual report on service projects/programs to CFWC.
GFWC headquarters in Washington, DC, a National Historic Landmark, houses the Women’s History Resource Center, a collection of books, periodicals and records devoted to women’s history and women in volunteerism.
What is the history of our club?
The Club had its beginnings early in January, 1905. At that time a small group of women interested in the improvement of their town and the development of themselves, met in one of their homes and formulated plans for a club.
The Club was founded to:
Increase kindly fellowship;
Encourage high thought and free speech upon all matters of general interest;
Foster worthy talent in our midst;
Aid community an educational projects, such as the library and scholarships.
The Club supports the library (the first library in Campbell was started by the Club) as well as the Campbell Historical Museum (also started by the Club). The Club recognizes young talent and the major portion of the fund raising efforts go towards scholarships, art and music awards to students of the Campbell Union High School district.
The Club was the first organization to support the community efforts to restore the Heritage Theatre.
A prospective member must complete a written application form which shall be presented to the Recording Secretary of the Club by one member (called a sponsor) and endorsed by another. Prospective members must be personally known to the sponsor and endorser.
For better understanding of the purposes of the Country Woman’s Club, it is recommended that prospective members attend two meetings before declaring their intention to join the organization.
How can a person become a member of the Club?
A. General:
Supporting: A member who is presently unable to attend regular daytime meetings.
B. Associate
C. Emeritus
D. Life
E. Honorary
These categories are described in detail in the yearbook. New members are usually only eligible for the General class of membership.
What are the five categories of membership?
All members of the General category shall have read the Bylaws of this corporation and have signed the Membership book. They must serve on the Committee of the Day for at least one meeting during the year and must, in addition, serve in an active capacity on at least one special event sponsored by the Club.
What are the expectations and level of commitment of the members?
The committee will meet prior to the day of the meeting to plan the refreshments and decorations for the meeting. On the day of the meeting, they will come early to set up the decorations and refreshments. They will then be responsible for clean up following the meeting.
Members who are not able to serve on their committees should find a substitute or exchange with someone.
What are the responsibilities of being on the Committee of the Day?
The yearbook, which is given to all members upon payment of the annual dues, provides most of the dates and locations of the regular meetings and the special events. The details for some events will be provided later in the year.
How will I know the dates of the regular meetings and the special events put on by the Club?
The Club meets at several different sites. The location of each meeting will be provided in the yearbook.
Where do we meet?
The first meeting of the Club year shall be on a Monday in September; and thereafter regular meetings shall be on the first and third Mondays of each month when possible, closing the Club year with a meeting in June. Luncheon meetings start at 12 noon. Regular meetings start at 1 p.m. When reservations are required for any Club function, they must be paid by the member if not cancelled by a specified date.
The dates and times of the meetings are provided in the yearbook.
When do we meet
(A) Dues – The annual dues for the fiscal year July 1 through June 30 are currently $50.00. A member may be dropped from the roll if dues are not paid by the end of the calendar year, December 31.
(B) Fees – The initiation fee shall be ten dollars ($10.00).
What are the annual dues and initiation fees?
The Endowment is a fund that has been set up to help assure the funding that supports the scholarships to students of the Campbell Union High School district. The interest earned each year by the Endowment is given to the Scholarship Committee for Country Woman’s Club scholarships to the graduating students of the Campbell Union High School District. Donations can be made to the Endowment Fund in memory of an individual or in celebration of an individual or event. The Endowment Fund also accepts “Planned Giving” gifts.
What is the Endowment Fund?
This group has elected officers and oversees the Scholarship Endowment Fund. It consists of five members of which three members are past presidents of the Country Woman’s Club. This group also oversees the Gold Book* donations and does some fundraising for the Endowment.
*The Gold Book is a record of the donations made to the Endowment Fund.