Scholarship recipients & committee
Annual Music Competition
Annual Art Show & Competition
Our commitment to the future
Our Commitment to the Future
The committee’s selection process begins, as usual, by asking each of the six high schools in the CUHSD to submit no more than 5 applicants from the senior class. The committee emphasized to each high school that applicants should be from each of three categories of students: vocational skills, liberal/fine arts and science/math; and, that the CWCC was particularly interested in helping students with a B+ GPA, significant turnaround or a financial need. Committee members divided up the work of distributing application packets to designated guidance advisors at each high school and discussing with them these scholarship guidelines.
In March and April the committee then interviews 30 applicants in the CUHSD library. Based on their applications and interviews, scholarship winners were selected. All scholarship winners are notified of their award and invited, along with their families, to the Club’s annual scholarship award dinner in May. Also, committee members will attend award presentation events at each high school to recognize the winners. Further, the winners have been notified that their checks are available after July 1, upon presentation of proof of college registration to District administration. CWCC raises this money every year with their Crab and Pasta Fundraising Dinner in February which the community supports whole heartedly.
Donations to the Scholarship Fund can be sent to the
Country Woman’s Club of Campbell
P.O. Box 322
Campbell, CA 95009-0322
Please mark them for the “Scholarship Fund”.